Here are links to several of the sites that have inspired us here at the Hall of Shame.
- Things People Said
- The motto pretty much describes it all: "Ordinary people can be drop dead funny." Loads of quotes uttered or written by people whose brains were coasting in neutral at the time. [And check out the rest of RinkWorks while you're at it...]
- Fun with Words
- More wordplay from RinkWorks.
- The Gallery of "Misused" Quotation Marks
- A common "pet peeve" among compulsive "proofreaders" is the use of "quotation marks" in places where they're completely "uncalled for". This "site" has collected "examples" of this loathsome "practice" from all around the "world".
- Zany Video Game Quotes
- (New URL!) Quite a large collection of silly, stupid, badly translated, and badly written quotes found in video games, with accompanying screen shots and sound clips.
- The Interface Hall of Shame
- (The original site seems to have joined the choir invisible as of 2003; I've changed the link to point to a mirror based in Italy.) Examples of user interfaces from computer programs that weren't exactly designed with the user in mind.
- A Collection of Word Oddities and Trivia
- Nineteen pages' worth of useless linguistic trivia, and the first site we know of to mention the "bodyybuilder" bug in the American Heritage Dictionary CD-ROM.
- Gallery of the Absurd v2.0
- More real-life amusements for the easily amused.
- Those Pesky Apostrophe's
- A good companion site to the above-listed quotation mark gallery, this site displays many examples of the abuse of that other oft-misused punctuation mark (with photographic evidence!).
- Sharon Colon's Apostrophe Page
- More misused apostrophes, this time from Australia.
- Apostrophell
- And still more apostrophe madness, from a British perspective.
- It's a Wacky, Wacky World
- Yet another gallery of those little absurdities from everyday life.
- The National Spelling Bee
- The competition for kids who are often as compulsive when it comes to proofreading as I am. (Yes, of course I participated in it.)
- We Made Out in a Tree and This Old Guy Sat and Watched
- The site dedicated to odd quotes, strange statements, bad writing and other oddities of the English language.
- English as butchered by non-native speakers in Japan and elsewhere around the world. We all favorite carrot game!
- English As She Is Spoke
- Or, how absolutely not to write a phrasebook. (The original site is offline; I'm linking to the Internet Archive's copy.)
- The Atlantic Online: The Court Record
- The column for the grammatically anal-retentive.
- Grammar Gotchas
- More photographic evidence of the lack of proofreading in today's world. Meryl, collector of the Grammar Gotchas, was nice enough to link to us in her blog, so we're going ahead and linking back.
- Book Errata
- It's amazing how many books go to print with dozens of sloppy proofreading errors that could easily have been caught...