Archives: The World Wide Web
Sure, the web is full of typos and grammatical errors. I can understand typos on personal pages... but on professional sites?!
- Image server memory: 5.8 seconds; Height: 256 tones; Tray Capacity: 128MB; etc. New! — found by 'ingsoc' at Worse Than Failure
- This one's just unbelievable. A rather...interesting set of specifications for a multifunction printer from Canon, still uncorrected on Canon's site as of July 29, 2007.
- Edison Labratory, Menlo Park, NJ New!
- A caption from the online game that accompanied NBC's 2006 reality show "Treasure Hunters". Labratory... is that where lab rats are kept?
- 1 pound supermarket's refrigerator or freezer section, divided into 4-ounce pieces New! — found by spicysaurus
- That's going to make an awfully inedible pizza. From this Rachael Ray recipe on Yahoo, still uncorrected as of July 1, 2007.
- 2005 Champion Anurag Kashyup
- Found on the National Spelling Bee web site on June 5, 2004. For the record, the winner's name is spelled 'Kashyap'. Now that's irony.
- General populice — found by anaxareteia
- Found in the entry for 'Middle America' on Populice... does that mean lousy people?
- Athens and the unversity in 1840
- The University of Georgia: Like 7-Up, it's the un-versity!
- Your phone is on it's way!
- It's interesting how this particular error in this particular phrase keeps popping up; see also The Core and AIM. This time, it's from an order confirmation from Virgin's US mobile phone service.
- ...questions about the student's parents'
- Government legalese on the FAFSA is made even harder to parse thanks to repeated misuse of apostrophes.
- On it's way!
- I guess the screen shot from The Core isn't too far off from reality, as evidenced by this screen shot from the AOL Instant Messenger web site.
- Misson Not Accomplished — found by mindme
- It's since been corrected, but the Democratic National Convention had quite an embarrassing typo in this graphic on their site.
- Fist Look: Star Wars DVD Packaging
- Gotta love prominent typos in images on major web sites; this one's from Also note how "Wars" is italicized but "Star" isn't.
- First-year, Second-year Gradudate Student
- From an online questionnaire by the makers of the Graduate Record Examination... or, should I say, the Gradudate Record Examination.
- Battistoni to Lecture on Civic Engagment Day
- This headline was posted on Mercer University's website in early 2004. Engag me with a spoon!
- Mistakes happens. — found by tancaliel
- As this screen shot from the Yahoo Messenger site shows, mistakes do indeed happen, at least with respect to subject-verb agreement.
- We are exited and proud... — found by Catherine Miller
- From an article about a scholarship given to the spelling bee contestants featured in the movie Spellbound. The irony here is just astounding.
- Flying Solo? Maybe Your A Loner
- Spotted on AOL Instant Messenger's 'Today' screen some time in mid-2003. How did this get past the proofreaders?
- ...the cool, trendy styles your looking for
- An actual promotion displayed on some time in 2003. How did they not notice this?
- Take the walktrough tour
- Walktrough? Sounds rather unappealing to me.
- I would of hoped...AID was working with a secure severer — found by LuckyWizard
- So much wrong here, I don't know where to start. "Would of"? "Severer"? "One officer who was named"?
- Using matrix transforms to add exitement to your Web pages — found by LuckyWizard
- From the Microsoft Developer Network website. Honestly, you'd think they'd be able to afford a better proofreader, wouldn't you?
- Best and brighest — found by Ari Goldstein
- From an article on the Fox Sports web site.
- If you don not see...
- From the official Terminator 3 web site. I didn't know Don Knotts had any part in it! :-)
- Get your own webiste — found by Nyperold
- Spotted in the advertisement area that is attached to all Angelfire member pages. I'll admit that the typo has a rather French sound to it. Je suis un webiste...
- It's Simply... — found by Randy
- A message posted on the University of Nevada's site at some time in the past. Apparently "simply" has now become an adjective.
- San Serif — found by Nyperold
- A double whammy: first of all, it's "sans serif", and second of all, that's not a serif font.
- Defualt Ad — found by Nyperold
- Wow. A double whammy; not only could they not configure the script correctly, the error message is also misspelled.
- a bequtiful manner — found by Sosiqui
- From Was this typed by someone accustomed to the French AZERTY keyboard layout, I wonder?
- Lobster, Oyster, Clamps... — found by MimeInAShoebox
- From Ouch. Clamps. Wouldn't eating those rather hurt one's jaw?
- Comtemporary, sous ched, seafoos, accouts — found by MimeInAShoebox
- From a page on Perhaps there's a need for more proofreaders on Guam?
- 0h, give thyself the thanks... — found by Sosiqui
- Shakespeare, unwittingly given the h4x0r treatment by BlueMountain. (And incidentally...Sonnet 38? I'm amused.)
- Were such good friends... — found by Sosiqui
- From a BlueMountain e-card. I suppose this implies that the sender and receiver aren't such good friends anymore; amazing how sloppy proofreading can break up a relationship so easily, eh?
- ...Indentify School Districts... — found by yanz38
- If could "indentify" the school system from which its proofreader graduated, that would be really nice...
- ...more preciesely tailored web content — found by MimeInAShoebox
- A caption-- stored in graphical form, no less-- on the web site for LiveWorld, the marketing division of TalkCity.
- Take a break and excercise your brain... — found by Amy Goldstein
- Go figure. It's a web page on promoting a word game. How ironic, indeed.
- Hailing a cab on online — found by Sosiqui
- First it's "goto to" on Yahoo Webring; now this from MSNBC. Will the redundancy ever end?
- Hotmail Chain Letter 1
- Hotmail Chain Letter 2 — found by Marvin
- Yes, we know these aren't official Hotmail notices. What gives it away? Eh, we'll start with the sloppy proofreading...
- Goto to here
- A new standard in redundancy! Also note the rather unusual spelling of "creatd"; perhaps they were influenced by the band Staind...
- Chapter uploading are not longer allowed — found by Nyperold
- An error message displayed at Is it just me, or does this reek of Engrish?
- Dobgert — found by MimeInAShoebox
- Similar to the Nescape typo featured elsewhere in this section, here's another official site which can't spell its own trademark. (For the record, it's supposed to be Dogbert.)
- Advanced Managed Hosting of Tommorow
- An error spotted on, which has since been corrected; however, for those who wish to look, there are still numerous other instances of sloppy proofreading on the page even today.
- Nescape Web Sites
- This ad was spotted, of all places, on It's a shame when a company can't even spell its own name right, eh? (And is it just me, or does this typo remind anyone else of Nescafé?)
- The United States celebrates it's 225th birthday
- Spotted on July 4, 2001, on Excite's now-defunct broadband portal.
- You can write HMTL... — found by Nyperold
- Apparently this is some new variation of HTML that I haven't yet heard of.
- The posting you we're trying to read... — found by JP Balletta
- Perhaps the most unusual placement of an apostrophe that we've ever seen, spotted in an error message at
- a valid option before continue — found by Nyperold
- An error message found on when you click on the "continue" arrow without selecting a photo.
- Grammy nomininees
- Pererhaps the webebmaster hadad a slight stututter.
- Quailty — found by Sakura
- To quote the submitter, "Heh. I wouldn't expect very high 'quailty' from a server with a typo like that on their page..."
- ...tried to dowload... — found by Nyperold
- First spotted in Microsoft Reader, this typo has since been found on an error page on Typosis is contagious!
- Spelling knwledge
- I was quite amused when I noticed this typo on MSNBC's web site, considering the subject of the article.
- Working dilligently — found by Nyperold
- As the contributor suggests, must have really been in a pickle...
- There are 1 user — found by Nyperold
- According to the contributor: "A message you get when you enter a previously empty chat room powered by At least, I think so, as there are only 1 Multicity-powered chat room that I've been in..."
- A free Hotmail account let's you...
- From a logon screen on Was this written by the same people as the SimCity manual shown in the Video Games section?
- Scrippps
- declard
- Two typos which appeared on an earlier version of the National Spelling Bee homepage. [The curator of the Hall of Shame pointed these typos out to the Spelling Bee webmaster...]
- Its free!
- From the log-on screen for Yahoo Games.
- oringinal / your are — found by Nyperold
- A not-so-helpful hint displayed on Altavista's Babelfish translator, sure to produce an imperfect translation when run through Babelfish.
- Need nore information? — found by Nyperold
- An ad which appeared on Netscape's SmartDownload utility. I couldn't decide whether to put this in Ads, Software, or Web; I need nore time to think about it.
- futher / comman — found by Tubba
- From a British ISP's troubleshooting page. Perhaps they should start proofreading "futher" so that they'll notice some fairly "comman" mistakes.